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Accueil / affiches / Newmann, C.A. George – Poster – Lithographie

Newmann, C.A. George – Poster – Lithographie


Newmann, C.A. George
(1880-1952) (birthday November 28) Colorful American stage magician who specialized in mentalism, and developed his own successful system of cold reading. Real name Christian Andrew George Naeseth. Author and prolific collector of magic books, he claimed to have the “largest collection in the Western hemisphere” and even wrote a book titled Newmann’s Magical Library (1945) describing his collection of over 7,500 books. (It has been claimed that his real collection was only a fraction of what was described in the book). Opinionated, anti-Semitic, he was however a great self-promoter, with several of his posters highly collected today.